A Treasury of
International Folk Dances
A Step-by-Step Guide
Choreographed by Jim Gold

★ Each dance comes with links to a YouTube video
★ Add vibrant, exciting folk dances to your repertoire!
JIM GOLD HAS BEEN AN INDISPENSABLE VOICE in the international folk dance community as a folk dance teacher, choreographer, and musician. He is also the president of Jim Gold International and organizes folk tours to to such exotic countries as Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Norway, Albania, Romania, Argentina, Cuba, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, and Ireland, and more. He has published five volumes of insightful New Leaf journals along with folk dance and travel novels and collections of short fiction. This book is a product of extensive research into the languages, cultural histories, and folk dances local people have performed for centuries. Mr. Gold intends it as the first reference work of its kind—a repository of movements
and dance steps, captured in his choreographies, created over many years.
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Purchase this Treasury at Amazon.com
Kindle $9.99 Paperback $24.95
Want an autographed copy? Please email Jim Gold