Gorno Oryahovsko Pravo Horo
Dance Meaning: Gorno Oryahovsko straight hora
Pronunciation: GOrno-orYAhovsko-prAvo-horО
Gorno-Oryahovsko Pravo Horo is named after a town, a town near Veliko Turnovo (NE) called Gorna Oryahovitsa. “Gorno-oryahovsko” is an adjective describing the Horo. “Pravo” means Straight.
Choreography: Jim Gold in Bulgarian folk dance style
Music: Bulgarian Folk Dances and Songs: Bulgarian National Radio Folk Orchestra.
Hristofor Radanov, Conductor
Gorno Oryahovsko Pravo Horo: Jim Gold teaching/dancing
Written Choreography for Gorno Oryahovsko Pravo Horo
Formation: Open circle leads to the right (counter clockwise), handhold: Arms down in V position
Meter: 2/4, 4/4 or 6/8 (counted 123,123)
Introduction: 16 measures: Sway to rt and lft
Basic pravo and sway, moving Diag rt ctr and diag rt back
1 Step diag fwd on R(ct 1), step lft next to R(ct 2)
2 fwd on R(ct 1-2),
3 Step fwd on L(ct 1-2).
4 Step diag back on R(ct 1),step lft next to R(ct 2),
5 Step back on R(ct 1-2)
6 Step back on L(ct 2)
7 Sway rt(ct 1-2)
8 Sway lft(ct 1-2)
Crosses and lifts
1 Cross R over L(ct 1). step on L in place(ct 2),
2 step R in place(ct 1), lift L(ct 2)
3 Step on L(ct 1), lift R(ct 2),
4 Step on R in place(ct 1), step on L in place(ct 2)
Grapevine 8 CCW, 2 lifts, 4 twists, and Second Step
1 Step R to rt(ct 1),step L in front of R(ct 2),
2 step R to rt(ct 1, step L behind R(ct 2)
3 Step R to rt(ct 1),step L in front of R(ct 2),
4 step R to rt(ct 1), step L behind R(ct 2)
2 lifts, 4 twists
5 Step on R(ct 1), lift L(ct 2),
6 Step on L(ct 1), lift L(ct 2)
7 4 twists: Twist heels to the rt(ct 1), lft(ct 2)
8 rt(ct 1), lft(ct 2)
9-16 Repeat Second Step 2x
1. First Step: 2x, Second Step: 8x,
2. First Step: 2x Second Step: 8x
3. Third Step: On to end: 7x
Note in Third Step: 3 time: Second Step danced 3x