Dance of the Week
Yom Yom Ne Prishyal
(Music from Russia)
Choreographed by Jim Gold
Dear Dancers and Travelers,
Welcome to our folk dance family!
Yom Yom Ne Prishyal is the Dance of the Week.
Music is from Russian.
Click on the links below.
See A Treasury of International Folk Dances
Written instructions: p 223.
(or see “Read More” below.)
Yom Yom Ne Prishyal danced by Jim Gold
Yom Yom Ne Prishyal danced by Monday Night Folk Dancers
Read a leaf from Jim’s New Leaf Journal: Way of the Wild Man
Then explore our exciting folk dance and adventure trips at Folk Tours
All content created by Jim Gold.
More information contact Jim
Blog history: blog archives
For written instructions click on “Read More”
Dance Meaning: Why Didn’t You Come
Pronunciation: Yom Yom Ne Prish-YAL
Choreography: By Jim Gold using traditional Russian steps.
Music: “Maydan”: Kazachiv Ensemble of Song and Dance
Formation: Open circle: Fists on hips Russian style
Meter: 4/4
Jim Gold YouTube Videos:
Monday Night dancers:
Introduction: 8 measures
Proud walk to the right, CCW
1 R (1), L (2), step on R (3)
face forward, touch L forward (4)
2 Step on L (1), touch R forward (2)
step on R (3), touch L forward (4)
3-4 Repeat meas. 1-2 in opp dir with opp ft
5 Repeat meas. 1 while reach-spreading R hand and
arm to right (ct 1-3)
touch L ft forward, place R fist on R hip (ct 4)
6 Step on L (ct 1), place L fist on L hip, place R hand behind head, touch R ft forward, (ct 2)
step on R (ct 3), place R fist on R hip, place L hand behind head,
touch L forward (ct 4)
2 front pas de bas, fists on hips
1 Step on L (ct 1), cross R over left (ct &)
step on L in place (ct 2)
step on R (ct 3), cross L over R (ct &)
step on R in place (ct 4)
2 4 push-steps moving to left, CW:
With weight on R, fall onto L ft, push R ft out to right (ct 1)
step on R next to L (ct &)
repeat 2x (ct 2&, 3&)
fall onto L ft (ct 4), touch R ft next to L (ct &)
3 Slap and clap step
Standing with weight on L ft
Slap L side of hip with L hand (ct 1)
raise R leg and slap above R knee (ct &)
step on R (ct 2)
clap both hands (ct 3)
jump on both ft (ct 4)
4 Clap both hands in front of ches t(ct 1)
slap L thigh with R hand (ct &)
clap both hand in front of chest (ct 2)
slap R thigh with L hand (ct &)
slap R thigh with R hand (3)
slap L thigh with L hand (ct &)
Clap both hands in front of chest (4)